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NARM Clinical Training

8. 11. 2019 - 10. 11. 2019

NARM™ Training  Introductory Workshop

8 – 10 November 2019, Athens – Greece

Early bird: 25/9

This workshop provides an overview of developmental trauma from the perspective of the NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM) and introduces participants* to the basic concepts of NARM’s theoretical and clinical approach.

(*) Professionals who have completed either training in psychotherapy of any approach or be part of one of the following professions: medical practitioners, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, social workers, psychologists, occupational therapists etc. who work with mental trauma.

Topics covered

  • The reciprocal relationship between nervous system dysregulation and identity distortion
  • The five basic biological needs and their developmental psychological significance
  • The function of adaptive survival strategies in regard to unmet basic needs
  • The five adaptive survival strategies in NARM, their corresponding identity distortions and how they influence adult life
  • Working in present time, the significance of dual awareness and somatic mindfulness
  • The implicit intention of emotions and their psychobiological completion
  • The four pillars of process work
  • The NARM healing cycle and integration top-down and bottom-up
  • Orientation: the 2-year NARM training course

The methodology includes presentations, practical exercises in small groups, self-awareness, demo sessions, questions and answers, discussion.


The workshop as well as the 2-year Training will be held in English with interpretation in Greek.

Detailed information: https://www.narm.gr/eisagogiko-seminario


The NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM) is an advanced clinical training for mental health professionals of any approach who work with complex trauma. NARM is a cutting-edge model for addressing attachment, relational and developmental trauma, by working with the attachment patterns that cause life-long psychobiological symptoms and interpersonal difficulties. These early, unconscious patterns of disconnection deeply affect our identity, emotions, physiology, behavior and relationships. Learning how to work simultaneously with these diverse elements is a radical shift that has profound clinical implications for healing complex trauma.  As such, NARM is positioned to become an invaluable treatment option for the Trauma-Informed Care movement as we gain greater understanding of the nature of adverse childhood experience (ACEs).

This developmentally-oriented, neuroscientifically-informed model, as outlined in Dr. Laurence Heller’s book Healing Developmental Traumaemerged out of earlier psychotherapeutic orientations including Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Attachment Theory, Cognitive Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, and Somatic Experiencing®, and bridges traditional psychotherapy with somatic approaches within a context of relational practice. NARM is a mindfulness-based clinical treatment, as its method is grounded in a phenomenological approach to addressing identity and consciousness of self – who we truly are beneath these patterned ways of relating to ourselves and the world. Seen in this way, healing complex trauma is a vehicle for transformation on a personal and collective level.

In recent years the role of self-regulation has become an important part of psychological thinking.
The NeuroAffective Relational Model™ (NARM) brings the current understanding of self-regulation into clinical practice. This resource-oriented, non-regressive model emphasizes helping clients establish connection to the parts of self that are organized, coherent and functional. It helps bring into awareness and organization the parts of self that are disorganized and dysfunctional without making the regressed, dysfunctional elements the primary theme of the therapy.


Training Structure

The NARM Practitioner Training consists of 120 contact hours and is offered in four 5-day live modules (format may vary depending on training location).  The live modules will be held for a total of 20 days over the period of the training.  The training modules are typically spaced 3-4 months apart to allow time for continued study, practice, peer meetings, and training webinars in support of greater integration of the NARM clinical approach.

An increasing number of mental health clinicians throughout North America and Europe have already been trained in the NARM process, and the NARM training programs are continuing to expand throughout the world. The NARM Institute International will continue to build up an active online learning community – where people can learn more about NARM, how to integrate it into our practices and lives.


The ΝΑRM Training is addressed to:

Professionals who have completed either training in psychotherapy of any approach or be part of one of the following professions: medical practitioners, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, social workers, psychologists, occupational therapists etc. who work with mental trauma.

Organizer of NARM Training in Greece

Ζοe Paradomenaki Schillat, Dipl.-Psych., ECP, EuroPsy

Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist



Information – Communication

For detailed information regarding the Training Curriculum, pre-requisites for participation, cost etc.  we invite you to visit the NARM Training in Greece website: www.narm.gr.

E-mail : narmgreece@gmail.com

Cell phone: +30 697 5606638 (Maria Margeti, Organization Assistant)


8. 11. 2019
10. 11. 2019
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